November Month Updates!

Improved Mount Interface
Moved EXP Event, Hellhound Free Entry and other Buffs to Server Buff Interface to be more clear the HUD.
Increased Abandoned Mine Bosses Drop.
Increased Halloween Candy Drop, now same as Festival Pumpkin.
Increased Sigel Drop Amount on Valencia / Abandoned Mine Dungeon.
Removed SetBonus of items Part 1 of Item Rework.
Removed Passive Buff from Netherbane Weapons.
Reduced Storm of Judgment Cooldown.
Fixed Inertia Duration.
Reduced Items to Craft Amethyst Boxes.
Witch Boss Spawn every 30 min at Ingen.
Improved Enchants Rates
Increased Shadowshard Weapons Stats.
Removed Halloween Event.
For Real Time Patch Notes enter on our Discord!
Enjoy and Stay Safe!!
Published at 11/30/2023