Patch Notes 07/01/2020

- Increased Inventory to 4.
- Increase Guild Storage to 320 Slots (You need Guild Level).
- Added a Costume Tab in Storage for Costumes Only.
- Increased Trade Market Item Slots.
- Decreased the Fee of Trade Market to always 1cp.
- Fixed Buy items when you already have that Item in Inventory.
- Fixed Craft items when you already have that Item in Inventory.
- Added 2 missing Faces at Character Creation.
- Added 4 missing Hairs at Character Creation.
- When you enter at Brune's Glory it Automatic Reset your Skill's Cooldown.
- Added Reset Skill Cooldown at Ortlinde ( Ingen / Battle Arena).
- Increased Friend List to 200.
- Added Back Second Weapon Slots.
- Added Second Weapon Costume Slots.
- Fixed Dragonity Bows Requeriment to Craft.
- Added Gemstones at Arambas Drops.
- Fixed LFP Chat without Date.
- Removed "Unique" from Valento items, you can have more than 1 now.
- Fixed BGM at wrong Channel in Vengeance of the Sword.
- Increased Wisdom Cooldown to 25sec.
- Fixed Salvation Reset cooldown at Possesion.
- Added Spears in Craft npcs (for test).
- Added Epic Eda / Cowen Marsh Charms.
Enjoy RaiderZ and Stay Safe!!
Published at 01/07/2021