Patch Notes 23/04/2020

- Fixed Flame Concentration.
- Nerfed Cold Armor
- Fixed Upward without sound
- Fixed Cold Blooded
- Fixed Nimble Healing
- Fixed Manipulator Norkun Bugged Skill.
- Fixed Circle of Healling PvE Version
- Fixed Flame Impact Just Knockdown at Lv3~5
- Fixed Cursed Gargoyle Misspelling Name Item.
- Changed Meditation to 3% Heal.
- Increased the Range of Miracle Ressurection Skill.
- Fixed Ice Barrier, Ice Thorns, Cold Wave was showing "can not dodge" when player get hitted.
- Increased Meteour Quantity in Mobs.
Size - 5MB
Enjoy RaiderZ and be Safe!
Published at 04/22/2020