Patch Notes 17/01/2020

- Removed Xmas Event.
- Added Ancestral Debuff on PvP Map.
- You can use Christmas Lucky Deer with other pets also.
- Increased Sorcerer / Cleric Damage.
- Removed Archer indefinitely (for balance reasons).
- Returned the Warhammer Animations.
- Returned Mace Animations.
- Removed PvP Plate Nerf.
- Changed Loading Screen to Original One.
- Changed Character Selection to Original One.
- Changed the BGM of Login/Char Selection to Original One.
- Fixed Repercussion of Light.
- Fixed Pleasure of Pain.
- Fixed Pirate Weapons Glow.
- Fixed Eternal Life Glow positions(the red one).
- Blocked Pudding Item inside Brunes.
Size - 35MB

Published at 01/17/2020